Verse of the Day †

Verse of the day : Luke 12 : 29-31 ~ 020616

Luke 12 : 29-31 : February 06,2016


29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. 30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well

It’s just as simple as take it easy and the rest will follow. Two points – It’s all about faith and trust. If you have faith then you trust God and if you trust him it’s just mean, you having faith in him. There’s no one could ever see nor make things in the future unless God above our savior. Yes, our savior. The Messiah who took all with him all alone for us his people. We have nothing to do but just to seek his Kingdom and believe in him and the rest will follow.

The following is a reading and a commentary from, I find it meaningful and a help for some.

Manner of sanctifying our exertions for daily bread

The Lord gives us continually our daily bread, multiplying for this the grain in the field; yet are we contented with it?

The reason of our dis- contentedness is, because we are inclined to make our daily pursuits for a livelihood the main point, and the Kingdom of God a secondary one. Perhaps we go so far even as to separate one from the other, although religion, like the leaven, should penetrate all our works and bring God’s blessing upon all we do. This blessing will be given to us if we endeavor to sanctify our solicitude for our daily bread, by performing our employments.


1. It is God’s will that I work. By this truth we should be induced

2. I work for God’s honour. This truth renders labour–


I must work, because I am a sinner.

1. This reflection will reconcile you to your work. As the heart is wounded by undeserved punishment, so a generous mind finds satisfaction in a consciousness of justice being done.

2. It ennobles man: imparting to him


Only he that has lost all sense of duty can refuse to work. For

1. Labour is a duty of justice. God’s wrath is challenged by

(2) Squanderers.

2. Labour is a duty of charity.

The wisdom of attending to God’s business

Your business–you cannot neglect that. Call to mind the story of the rich English merchant to whom Elizabeth gave some commission of importance, and he demurred to undertake it, saying, “Please your Majesty, if I obey your behest, what will become of these affairs of mine? “ And his monarch answered, “Leave those things to me, when you are employed in my service, I will take charge of your business.” So will it be with you. Do but surrender yourself to Christ, and He, of His own free will, takes in hand all your affairs. (C. H.Spurgeon.)

God’s promise to be relied on

I was once crossing the Atlantic, and had come within three days’ sail of the Irish coast. Fog and darkness shut out the sun by day and the stars at night. We had to trust to dead reckoning–that is, to the log, the compass, the chart, and other nice nauticalcomputations. Standing by the captain, I heard him say on the last of these days, “We ought to see Fastnet Light intwelve minutes! “I took out my watch and waited. We saw the welcome light in justeleven!” There, thought I, is a triumph of nautical skill and calculation, to push on so steadily and surely through the darkness day after day to the point aimed at. We justly confide in one who has proved himself trustworthy in human affairs, but the witness of God is greater. Why ever distrust Him? He has not only fixed the movements of the stars and the tides, but His promises of grace are unchangeable. (R. S. Storrs, D. D.)

Seeking God’s Kingdom for children also

“Few things are looked back on by me with less satisfaction than my own conduct in respect to my children, except in one particular, which appears to have been the grand secret; and that is, that I have always sought for them, as well as for myself, in the first place, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” (T. Scott.)

Admonition addressed to the young

Let us press the seeking God’s kingdom first on those who are yet in the springtime of their days. And we will just tell you what we believe would constitute a thorough submission to the precept of our text, and what, therefore, entitles a man to depend on the fulfilment of the promise. We will suppose that, from his youth upwards, an individual has proposed to himself the salvation of his soul as the prime object to engage his solicitudes and occupy his strivings. We may suppose that, so soon as he could discern the evil and the good, so soon as the will had the power of making an election, he decided in favour of the paths of righteousness, and set out on the heavenward course; and, ever afterward, we may regard him as holding on in one uniform course of faith and obedience; so that, whatever the other objects which may demand and obtain some share of his attention, he keeps ever uppermost, as the great end of his being, that attainment of God’s favour to which he had devoted himself at the outset of life. Of such an individual it may be asserted, in all the extent of which the expression admits–he has “sought first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” He has sought it first, as having begun with this seeking; he has sought it first, as having never permitted another object to take precedence: and to the doing this is what we would earnestly exhort the younger of our hearers. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”: seek ye first this kingdom–first, before ye seek the wealth of the world, which cannot satisfy you, or the honours of the world, which will only mock you, or the pleasures of the world, which like the Dead Sea fruits, wear a bloom to the eye, but are ashes to the taste–first, before the strength has been impaired, and the spirit has beenbroken, and the eye has lost its fire, and the hope is sick with disappointment. “First!“ Will ye give the bounding pulse, and the soaring thought, and the eager glance, and the rushing purpose, to the slavery of time and created things, and think of bringing the jaded energies, the thin grey hairs, the emaciated limbs, and consecrating them to the service of God? We know that even in old age the kingdom may be sought, the kingdom may be founds; we dare not, therefore, and we thank God that we dare not, regard any individual, be he ever so old, be he ever so hardened, as having outlived the opportunity of being saved. We preach to the man of four-score years; and though, in the expressive language of Solomon–“the daughters of music are brought low, and the grasshopper is a burden, and the silver cord is almost loosed, and the golden bowl broken,” we still say to him, “Now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation.” And yet it is impossible not to feel, that where there has been, for forty, or sixty, or seventy years, a determined resistance to all the proffers of the gospel, the case is growing comparatively hopeless. We may go on with our work; but it is impossible to go on with a very light heart. And never does the minister of Christ seem charged with a commission in which success is so doubtful, as when sent to the infirm and worn-out sinner, who, having given the strength of life to Satan and the world, has at last only the dregs with which to make an offering to his God. We say, indeed, it is our duty, ay, and it is our privilege, to say, even to the old person who has been hardening for half a century under faithful sermons–It is not too late to “ seek”; “seek,” therefore; “the Pearl of great price” may even yet be found–even yet, though the last streak of light is fading from the sky, thoughthe film is gathering on the eye, and the cold and rough wind threatens to put out the lamp; we say to him, “Seek!” But now tell me, my brethren, can we do otherwise than feel, that even if he seeks he seeks last. And where is the promise to those who seek last?–last, inasmuch as heaven is not sought until earth is sliding from the grasp? Where is the premise to those that “seek” last “the kingdom of God and his righteousness?” We remember the words which, in the Book of Proverbs, are placed in the mouth of Eternal Wisdom–“I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me.” “Those that seek Meearly!” Here is an express promise. It is a promise that does not exclude those who seek late, but certainly it does not include them. We have, however, better hopes of the young. We know, indeed, that you feel tempted to delay and put off the giving heed to the solemn things of eternity. And why so? Because you regard religion as a melancholy thing–as circumscribing your pleasures and curtailing your enjoyments; and you feel that it will interfere with many things in which you delight–the gewgawry of fashion, and the revelry of life. There are certain things which you wish to keep a little longer, and which you perceive that true religion will require you to surrender. So you make the calculation–you shall run but little risk in giving a year or two more to the world; you shall have time enough left for the care of the soul. Ah! thus, to speak the unvarnished truth, you are balancing the chances of destruction against another draught of the intoxicating cup; you loiter round the edge of the pit, to pluck flowers which fade in the gathering. And yet all the while the true pleasure is in religion. Yes, that it is–the elevation of soul–the companionship with beings of the invisible world–the filling up with God the immeasured voids of a human spirit–the beatings of a large philanthropy–the sense that, “all things are ours, for we are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s”–life curtained by lovingkindness–death abolished by the Mediator–eternity studded with the rich and the radiant,–these are ours; we know them, we feel them to be ours. What! then, has religion no pleasures? Nay! “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness.” It is seeking peace; it is seeking comfort; it is seeking happiness. Seek ye this “first,” assured that–oh! for the testimony that might be given from above I oh I for the testimony that might be given from beneath!–assured that, though thousands have wept bitter, scalding tears because they sought late, none have ever found that they began too soon. (H. Melvill, B. D.)

God’s people not forgotten by Him

Many years ago, when in my country charge, I returned one afternoon from a funeral, fatigued with the day’s work. After a long ride, I had accompanied the mourners to the churchyard. As I neared my stable door, I felt a strange prompting to visit a poor widow who, with her invalid daughter, lived in a lonely cottage in an outlying part of the parish. My natural reluctance to make another visit was overcome by a feeling which I could not resist, and I turned my horse’s head towards the cottage. I was thinking only of the poor widow’s spiritual needs; but when I reached her little house, I was struck with its look of unwonted bare: hess and poverty. After putting a little money into her hand, I began to inquire into their circumstances, and found that their supplies had been utterly exhausted since the night before. I asked them what they had done. “I just spread it out before the Lord!” Did you not tell your case to any friend?” “Oh no, sir; naebody kens but Himsel’ and me! I kent He wadna forget, but I didna ken hoe he wad help me till I saw you come riding ower the brae, and then I said, There’s the Lord’s answer!” Many a time has the recollection of this incident encouraged me to trust in the loving care of my heavenly Father. (J. H. Norton.)


Live.Love.Laugh ❌Claire Marie

Korea Movies · Korean Drama Series · Movie


Korean Drama Series : Lie To Me

Lead Cast: 

Supporting Cast :




Lie To Me is a South Korean Romantic drama starring Yoon Eun-hye and Kang Ji-hwan.The series revolves around a civil servant named Gong Ah-jung (played by Yoon Eun-hye) who pretends to be the wife of the wealthy hotel heir, Hyun Ki-joon (played by Kang Ji-hwan) to impress her former friend. It is directed by Kim Soo-ryung and Kwon Hyuk-chan, produced by Jo Sung-won and written by Kim Ye-ri.

Thoughts :
For how many times, still the Kiligness and the empact of the Story really touched my Heart.
Friendship, Family, Brotherhood, A First Love and A True Love, Dreams and most specially Fate are what I’ve learned about from this Korean Series.
Most of us could say “the story of the sons here are somewhat a disgrace to the family”, but as we analyze deeper, we could understand why things came up with the situation of complication.
Things does nothing to us, rather, we does things that could make lives complicated.
One thing is Love. And love could make the world complicated, if you will see it as one. Love could give people selfishness and rudeness. But even though things might came up so complicated it’s the Fate of each that counts. Sometimes people tend to fall in love with someone they shouldn’t love. In their eyes, they don’t see you. In their ears, they don’t hear you.
Some say’s : Love is Blind, but Love is not Blind, It sees but they just tend to never mind.
Another thing is Friendship, is the most important next to family. I remember some of my friends, We tend to have competence with each other ’cause no one would love to be left behind nor out of place. And it happens in this series. Many has been damage but in the end friendships wins.
The Scenes :

Unforgettable Lines

Woman do not marry just because they want to be with the man. Instead, they want to marry all the things connected with a wedding. (Ouch) When you can enjoy the moment, enjoy it well. – Hyun Ki-Joon
It’s not a crime not to know your own capabilities. – Hwang Suk-Bong
No matter how the world changes, the rule is not to lose out. – Park Hoon
Being overly caring might do more harm instead. There are times when you have to be cruel.
Perhaps it may be unforgivable, but sometimes, being cruel is actually more humane.– Park Ji-Yun
Cinderella marrying a third generation wealthy son? Instead of watching dramas, watch reality.” – So Ran
“If she leaves now, it’s coincidence. But if I stop her, it’s fate.” – Sang Hee
“It doesn’t feel right that my possession is in the hands of a stranger.” – Ah Jung
“If you are afraid then you shouldn’t be here. Just go out and spend your money and play around. Why be such a headache?” – Myung Jin
“Let’s be careful. Walls have ears.” – Ah Jung
“Does complexity solve anything? Since I started this issue, I should put an end to it.” – Ah Jung
“If people didn’t know better they’d think I was bitten by a snake.” – Sang Hee
“He was upset that you followed his footsteps and took the exam. Seeing you everywhere gave him shivers down his spine. You were suffocating him, so he begged me to talk to you.” – So Ran
“Sometimes, I don’t use my head to think. I use my heart, instead. And this time, mischief ensued.” – Ah Jung
“Whenever I ignore my brain and act impulsively, there’s always trouble.” – Ah Jung
“Just apologize, acknowledge your mistake, and sort things out properly. It’s not like he can kill a person who’s apologizing to him.” – Sang Hee
“I stayed in that examination hall for two whole years. I felt very happy because I was together with the person I liked. Because I really, really liked that person. I wanted him to see my good side. But I didn’t know how. So I decided, that I would confess to him when the examination results came out. But something happened… on that day, I saw him with a another woman.” – Ah Jung
“You could be together for a lifetime and still be unable to understand each other.”– Sang Hee
“She is a woman who does not make sense. I thought she wouldn’t give up so easily.” – Ki Joon
“It doesn’t matter if I’m humiliated. Whether you want to sue me or not, it’s up to you. I will accept it. Please, let’s be married for just one month.” – Ah Jung
“Because I’m so angry. In the past three years I have done anything at all. I couldn’t love… I couldn’t date… couldn’t get married. I didn’t do anything. I also couldn’t like someone again. Just forever alone like this.” – Ah Jung
“It doesn’t feel right that my possession is in the hands of a stranger.” – Ah Jung
“If you are afraid then you shouldn’t be here. Just go out and spend your money and play around. Why be such a headache?” – Myung Jin
“Let’s be careful. Walls have ears.” – Ah Jung
“Does complexity solve anything? Since I started this issue, I should put an end to it.” – Ah Jung
“If people didn’t know better, they’d think I was bitten by a snake.” – Sang Hee
“He was upset that you followed his footsteps and took the exam. Seeing you everywhere gave him shivers down his spine. You were suffocating him, so he begged me to talk to you.” – So Ran
“Sometimes, I don’t use my head to think. I use my heart, instead. And this time, mischief ensued.” – Ah Jung
“Whenever I ignore my brain and act impulsively, there’s always trouble.” – Ah Jung
“Every time I see you with sunbae, I always feel unhappy. This time the same thing happened. Why is it not me but another woman? This is not the first, but the second time. I’m always like this. Just like a fool.” – Ah Jung
“In a span of three years, one persons heart could stay the same, but another persons heart could change. Follow your heart. Don’t think about it too much.” – Manager Park
“There are times when you have to be cruel. Perhaps it may seem unforgivable, but sometimes, being cruel is actually more humane.” – Manager Park
“Don’t look at people like they’re fools. I don’t want to be misunderstood… and I don’t want to be a fool again.” – Ah Jung
“My mind is very clear, but my heart is unable to understand.” – Ah Jung
“Just now, at the hotel, I saw one man having an affair. He’s not even my husband. He’s another woman’s husband. Whether or not he has an affair, is none of my business. But why am I feeling so sad?” – Ah Jung
“It’s not because I like him. I’m just disappointed. Disappointed in love.” – Ah Jung
“Most people will change, whether it’s for the good or bad.” – Ah Jung
“No matter how much the world may change, it’s a given rule that a woman must not lose out.” – Park Hoon
“Your self-esteem has never been hurt before, right? Don’t be so full of yourself then.” – Ah Jung
“Sometimes we are meant to fall in love with someone we shouldn’t love or break up with someone we can’t break up with.” – Ki Joon
“In the beginning of dating, two people are holding hands. Once one lets go of the hand of the other, it seems like it’s the end.” – Sang Hee
“Yes, revenge. Revenge for my three wasted years. I’m so angry I’m going crazy. For the past three years, I haven’t done anything at all. I couldn’t love, I couldn’t date, couldn’t get married. I didn’t do anything. And I couldn’t like someone again.” – Ah Jung
“She is sloppy, careless, and has many flaws here and there, but she is so honest and innocent like she‘s still a kid.” – Ki Joon